Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Racism And Race Critical Lens Essay - 1737 Words

Jalen Little SOC 1101 Racism and Race Critical Lens Throughout history African Americans have faced and still face many hardships. African American males in particular are often linked to negative statistics and stereotypes. In fact, they suffer more and are victims of racial profiling and racism more than any other ethnic group. Racism has a deeper meaning than most people may think. It goes beyond what the average person may think. Racism can be defined as, the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races. In particular, it stems from one person thinking that his or her race is more superior to another. An article that I read titled â€Å"Lack of two parent homes still the biggest hurdle for African American children† focused on social norms and tendencies that African Americans practice which keeps them stagnant as a race and behind. In this article George Will goes in depth and focuses on h ow it’s not society nor the systems fault when it comes to failure in the black community, Will firmly believes that the African American community isn’t prospering because of wedlock relationships and a lack of commitment to academics. In this article George Will references professor Glazer who stated, â€Å"Concentrations of the poor, the poorly educated, the unemployed and unemployable. High out-of-wedlock birth rates mean aShow MoreRelatedIs Homelessness Not Just A Problem?1714 Words   |  7 Pagestechnology is the fact that homelessness is not just a problem in the United States, it has global implications. The people that die and are displaced as a result of homelessness is a major challenge to social justice. Through the tenets of the Critical Race Theory, it’s been statistically qualified and quantified that minority groups are frequently targeted and suffer from socioeconomic neglect, resulting in homelessness. 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